So my first inclination would have to be to go towards Pencil, but that's because Pencil is a long time friend whom I've always had a good relation ship with. Hes always done what I wanted and with minimal mess and fuss.
Now Charcoal used to be one of my most hated enemies, but that's only in its stick form (with whom I'm still not on good standing with.) But now that I've come to know him in the pencil form hes not so bad. Not my favorite but tolerable and the darkness of Charcoal mixed with the usability of Pencil is nothing to scoff at.
Now Conté, she is a fickle mistress. At first I thought her and I were going to rehash my relationship with Charcoal, but now that I've come to grace her presence shes entirely different from my initial premonitions. Ive come to be fond of how fluidly she can dance across the bond paper, but at the same time hate how easily she looses and edge.
Now all in all, I have come to be on good terms with these three amigos, but at the same time they still possess merits and short comings. So There you have it, my relationship with our medias.
Markated on my paper with Pencil, Charcoal, or Conte
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Posted by John Furr at 8:14 PM 0 comments
Lighinituidty of Photograprination of Landscapes
So I decided to share this artist I ran across from one of my favorite blogs. His name is Barry Underwood (<- and that's a link to his website) I absolutely love glowing objects, photography, and playing with light - and his photos incorporate all of those. He describes his images as "documentations of full scale installations that are built on site in the landscapes." He also mentions using light to transform ordinary recognizable objects in landscapes to be almost abstract. And without further adiue ART:
Posted by John Furr at 8:04 PM 1 comments
Blindable Couturification of my Self
Well Ill start off with saying, that I am not a huge fan of blind contour drawing. I can see why we do it and its merits, but that doesn't make me like it any more - I quite hate it actually.
Also, maybe for the reasons above or due to my forgetfulness, I didn't start the assignment till the morning of class so i had to rush and get myself down on paper four times with no time to spare. I think if i had actually spent some time on them they would've turned out well - I think I had a good approach to the interior parts of the face, and i can see my features developing well. But um the fact is I didn't so now they look like old bald men (which i still kind of find amusing and I didn't actually notice till i hung them up on the wall in class.. stupid standing back and looking, or in this case looking at all ^_^).
So moral of this story is don't do homework int he morning or it'll look like old bald men (which for all anyone knows is what I look like in the morning.)
Posted by John Furr at 7:56 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Ah the night before midterm, and all through out the apartment everyone was stirring, in the sketchbooks. Pencils flew, and paper was pasted as the studious students prepared for the coming day. Unsure of the thier blogs, sketchbooks, and planar drawings they will soon shuffle into class early the next morning, dreading the drawing to come.
So really i'm just kinda working on stuff - i got alot in my sketchbook, and i need to finish my planar drawing. But I feel pretty good - still not looking forward to the still life but well see.
So id like to share again another band with whomever will read this, because I've been listening to them whilst working this past weekend. But they're called man factory. They have their first album out which is a rock opera called Round 1 about street fighter. The music has a kinda indie feel to it (which I don't usually enjoy), but i quite like these guys. Also i like that they published their first album online for everyone to enjoy (which is cool in the days of DRM and itunes and RIAA). They also have a little booklet of jpegs included in the album with some street figher art and a little explanation of each song, and they have txt documents of all the lyrics so without further adieu:
^ Click the picture for dowloadified awesomeness - P.S. I love HTML
Posted by John Furr at 12:31 AM 1 comments
Monday, October 5, 2009
So I'm not particularly looking forward to the midterm this Wednesday. Ive been trying to get my blog and sketchbook up to snuff, but i still not sure its enough. And I'm kinda nervous about that drawing we have to do in class to be graded, since I'm still not great at planar drawings, but i guess I'm getting better i suppose. Just not really looking forward to it.
Posted by John Furr at 7:30 PM 0 comments
Ah the draperifcation (the act of draping - which is totally now a real word) of my bed. This was actually one of the times i would kinda proud of my homework (not really sure why), but of course there was still some problems with it - my tendency to turnt he planes into a pattern shown through - but there was some parts of it i think i got pretty well - and of crouse the area around it kinda got skewed in my drawing but oh well i can always fix it. I kinda liked this homework for some reason. Still cant say im a fan of charcoal - but atleast its just lines.
Also in case you were wondering that is an inverse of a Bruce Lee picture on my wall - i got bored at some point and thought my walls were too empty. I mean they still are, but at least now when i wake up i have bruce lee about to punch me in the head.
Posted by John Furr at 3:02 PM 0 comments
Sunday, October 4, 2009
So I don't know if this is actually cool, but im gonna post it anyways. It was just i realized what i was listening to whilst making these last blog posts, and decided to share it with you guys. I thought I do it since Jason likes to share music with us in class, so ill make a post or two about whatever im listening to.
Currently: The Arrogant Sons of Bitches
- a ska punk band from new york whom i thoroughly enjoy. I was introduced to them only this summer by one of my good friends (and name buddy) John. (also theres too many freakin Johns im sorry).
So if you'd like to check them out here is one of their record labels where you can actually (legally yes your supposed to) download and enjoy their album "Three Cheers for Disappointment"
Click there for some ska amazement
Posted by John Furr at 1:35 AM 0 comments
My Own Perspective
"Bah if people on the internet can do it I can do it too" - myself (its an official quote i made officially official) and i have a hard time spelling official.
So whilst perusing the images i collected, they happen to remind me of a few certain things ive done myself, where perspective obvisouly rears its head - which shouldnt be too surpsing since that was bascially my entire 9th grade art class, but i decided to shared to whom ever will actually read this (probably just you Jason) some works of my own (don't hate on them too much):
Posted by John Furr at 1:13 AM 0 comments
Three Point perspectivationes
As and internet thief, i had to put a stop to my mindless looting of other people's artwork - even if it is for a grade. And thus this is my last set of my selfish showing of others' things to help teach perspective..ation.
I like how it reminded me of our own assignments,
just more awesome.
selected because I'm a sucker for
dark sketches on notebook paper -
and i like how there rocks in front of
a building.
Posted by John Furr at 1:02 AM 0 comments
Two Point Perspectivationatiude
AVAST! Here is the two point booty in which I looted from from the great pirate bay that is a series of tubes:
Posted by John Furr at 12:51 AM 0 comments
One Point Perspectivationess
After scouring the depths of the internet, I have returned with the fruits of my labor, other people's art. I didn't want to be all the way boring and just use the first couple hits of google... so i used the third and fourth too. But seriously i quite like what I found:
of a scene from one of the manga i like to read)
because it has simple nice nice and strong lines.
garden of the interwebs because I thoroughly
enjoy that it that it shows one point
perspective doesn't have to be boring.
example of point point perspective could be.
Posted by John Furr at 12:37 AM 0 comments
Procrastination & Motivation.. the delima
So I've always had this problem, and even here on this blog its evident. Ive mannaged to put off something so easy that all I have to do is be on the internet, which I am anyways. So I decided to randomly try to motivate myself to finish everything ive set out to finish thus far this weekend (but so far it hasnt gone so well) I know it wont be soo bad once i start, but there always a huge hurdle to get over to do something im not particularly looking forward to, and its always the same, and thats why everything i do turns out mediocre or just good enough - like my grades, art assignments, and just everything. So this is for me - FINISH YOUR WORK!
Posted by John Furr at 12:32 AM 0 comments
First Homework
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Ah the first assignment in my first college art class. I didn't particular look forward to this assignment, but once i got started it was not so bad. I know in a lot of my sketches I tend to use only one style of line or width or even one pencil, but this assignment focused solely on those lines in which we build upon and use to build. Which I found quite fancy, and an interesting way to start. Other than that I kinda ran out of ideas half way through, but i think even my forced once came out quite decent.
Posted by John Furr at 5:32 PM 0 comments